Feeding your Siamese kittens

The most critical part of Siamese kitten care is feeding. A nutritious diet will guarantee that kids grow at a constant rate and acquire healthy eating habits. A healthy diet will keep your cat’s immune system strong and help prevent infections.


What should newborn Siamese kittens eat?

During the first few weeks after birth, the kittens’ primary food source is their mother’s breast milk. If the mother is not around for whatever reason, cat parents can feed the kittens a kitten replacer formula.

Here are a few tips on how to do it:

1- Make the formula lukewarm—The formula should be at 35–38 degrees Celsius
2- Keep the kitten warm—Staying warm helps kittens digest the food and absorb nutrients better
3- Mimic the nursing position—Position the kitten flat on their bellies to ensure better digestion
4- Give small portions—Two tablespoons of formula per 110 grams of their body weight a day is the optimal serving amount for a Siamese kitten
5- Don’t change the formula—Kittens often have difficulty adapting to a new formula, and they may have trouble with digestion

Don’t make the mistake of giving cow milk as a replacement for formula. Cow milk contains lactose, too much fat, and other nutrients that don’t sit well with the feline digestive system.


When do Siamese kittens start eating solid food?

Once your kitten is three to four weeks old, you can start feeding them solids. You can go for:

1- Gruel—This is kitten formula mixed with other types of food. It’s a great transition from mother’s milk to solids because it’s mushy and teething kittens can chew and swallow the food easily
2- Dry food—Although kibble is convenient to serve, it can be a choking hazard, and it often contains filler ingredients (such as grain and vegetables) that don’t provide kittens with the right nutrients
3- Wet food—Due to its soft texture and high moisture content, wet food is the best option for weaning kittens

Whichever type of food you choose, you have to be mindful of the ingredients. Steer clear of foods with high percentages of fat and carbs, plant proteins, meat derivatives, and artificial additives.


Basics of a good kitty diet

Cats are hardwired carnivores that require meat and fish to grow healthily. Once your Siamese kitten starts eating solids, you have to ensure that they are getting all the essential nutrients that will help them grow and develop correctly.


Essential macronutrients

When it comes to carbs, cats can’t benefit from this nutrient, and they can experience digestive issues upon consumption. You can offer small portions of carrots, green beans, broccoli, and other vegetables rich in fibre if your cat is struggling with constipation, but make sure carbs don’t make up more than 3% of their daily food intake.


Feeding portions and schedule for a Siamese kitten

The precise amount of food you give to your cat will depend on the type of food you serve—wet, dry, semi-moist, homemade, raw. It will also depend on the kitten’s age, level of activity, and size. Kittens should be fed small but frequent portions since they need more calories to grow at a steady pace, but they shouldn’t consume too much food at once because their stomachs are small.

In case you adopted a Siamese kitten from a breeder, it would be best to continue feeding them the same type of food, at least for a while. If you want to change it, you will need to do it gradually. Sudden changes in diet can cause kitten diarrhoea, vomiting, and other gastrointestinal issues. 

Choosing the best food for your Siamese kitten

When shopping for Siamese cat food, carefully read the ingredients list to see if the food is acceptable for felines. Look for another choice if any of the following ingredients appear on the ingredients list:

  • Animal derivatives, animal byproducts, meat derivatives, and similar
  • Vegetable derivatives
  • Minimum 4% of meat
  • Grains
  • Cereal
  • Artificial food colouring and flavouring

The ingredients list should be minimal and free from known allergens, and the source of protein should be clearly specified. For example, high-quality cat food will have the following as its first ingredient:

  • Chicken breast
  • Tuna steak
  • Salmon fillet
  • Duck breast
  • Mackerel
  • Turkey

If you can’t tell what’s in the food, don’t buy it. Otherwise, your cat might experience gastrointestinal issues and allergic reactions to specific ingredients.

A guide to caring for Siamese kittens

The way you care for your cat when they are young is critical. Good care will build a solid foundation for their lifelong health. To make sure your Siamese kitty has a long and happy life, you need to:

1- Entertainment
2- Grooming
3- Feeding
4- Vet Visit



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(269) 359-1123
